Paul Klink

A little bit about me

Paul Klink

Paul Klink

A little bit about me

Writing of CSV file with comments

This examples shows how a CSV file can be written with comments included. It uses the Basic Example Meta File.

The CSV File to be written is:

!My Pets
!(Example writing CSV file with comments)
"First Field Heading 1","","","","","",""
"First Field Heading 2","","","","","",""
!First Record
Rover,4.5,Brown,12 Feb 2004,80,True,Dog
!Second Record
Charlie,,Gold,5 Apr 2007,12.3,False,Fish
!No more records

Console Application

using System;
using Xilytix.FieldedText;

namespace Write_Comments
    class Program
        // Simple Example of using FtWriter to write a CSV file with
        // comments.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Name of file containing Meta
            const string MetaFileName = "BasicExampleMeta.ftm";
            // Name of file to be written
            const string CsvFileName = "BasicExample.csv";

            // Define FieldNames
            const string PetNameFieldName = "PetName";
            const string AgeFieldName = "Age";
            const string ColorFieldName = "Color";
            const string DateReceivedFieldName = "DateReceived";
            const string PriceFieldName = "Price";
            const string NeedsWalkingFieldName = "NeedsWalking";
            const string TypeFieldName = "Type";

            // Create Meta from file
            FtMeta meta = FtMetaSerializer.Deserialize(MetaFileName);
            meta.LineCommentChar = '!'; // Not set. Change to !

            // Create Writer
            using (FtWriter writer = new FtWriter(meta, CsvFileName))
                writer.WriteComment("My Pets");
                writer.WriteComment("(Example writing CSV file with comments)");


                // only set up headings in first field
                writer.FieldList[0].Headings[0] = "1st Field Heading 1";
                writer.FieldList[0].Headings[1] = "1st Field Heading 2";


                // Write 1st Record
                writer.WriteComment("First Record");
                writer[PetNameFieldName] = "Rover";
                writer[AgeFieldName] = 4.5;
                writer[ColorFieldName] = "Brown";
                writer[DateReceivedFieldName] = new DateTime(2004, 2, 12);
                writer[PriceFieldName] = 80M;
                writer[NeedsWalkingFieldName] = true;
                writer[TypeFieldName] = "Dog";


                // Write 2nd Record
                writer.WriteComment("Second Record");
                writer[PetNameFieldName] = "Charlie";
                writer[AgeFieldName] = null;
                writer[ColorFieldName] = "Gold";
                writer[DateReceivedFieldName] = new DateTime(2007, 4, 5);
                writer[PriceFieldName] = 12.3M;
                writer[NeedsWalkingFieldName] = false;
                writer[TypeFieldName] = "Fish";


                writer.WriteComment("No more records");